1. I know I am not worthy
To come to you my King,
I know I am not worthy
To come before you and sing,
But You in all Your mercy
Forgive me, all my sins,
I want to thank You Jesus,
You are my everything.

R. /: You are Jesus the king who died for me,
You are Jesus the One who set me free,
I want to serve You Jesus,
I need your help for that,
Please help me to be thankful
For now and evermore :/

2. I know I am not worthy
To come to you my King,
I know I am not worthy
To come before you and sing,
But You in all Your mercy
Forgive me, all my sins,
I want to thank You Jesus,
You are my everything.

Versuri similare
Unashamed Love
You are my all in all
You are Alpha and Omega
Here I am to worship
Light of the world
We are a moment

Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:8

Tot ce este vrednic de cinste, tot ce este drept, tot ce este curat, tot ce este vrednic de iubit, tot ce este vrednic de primit, orice fapta buna, si orice lauda, aceasta sa va insufleteasca.

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