1. My strength whenever I am weak.
My hope, everything I need.
He's more than life to me. Jesus is.
My peace, shelter from the storm.
He's all my heart is longing for.
The one that I adore. Jesus is.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.

2. My God, He hears my every Prayer.
He said my burdens he would bear.
I know He's always there. Jesus is.
Through Him I'm walking in the light.
His love will always be my guide.
He's always by my side. Jesus is.

He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.

He is Prince of Peace. King of Kings.
Lord of Lords. Everything.
Mighty God. Son of Man.
Holy One. The Great I Am.

He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
Jesus is.

Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:8

Tot ce este vrednic de cinste, tot ce este drept, tot ce este curat, tot ce este vrednic de iubit, tot ce este vrednic de primit, orice fapta buna, si orice lauda, aceasta sa va insufleteasca.

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