1. Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus,
Keep me near Thee lest I stray;
With Thy mighty hand uphold me,
Lead me gently all the way.

R. /: Life without Thee would be dreary,
Cheerless all my path would be;
But while walking in Thy presence,
Heaven’s glory shines on me. :/

2. Keep me near Thee, precious Savior,
Many snares are by the way;
’Neath Thy balmy wings protect me,
Draw me nearer Thee each day.

3. Help me live so near Thee, Jesus,
That Thy whispers I may hear,
Let me feel Thy arms around me
When the hand of danger’s near.

4. Draw me nearer, blessed Jesus,
Closely fold me to Thy breast;
Pillowed on Thy loving bosom,
Let me ever sweetly rest.

Versetul Zilei

Filipeni 4:8

Tot ce este vrednic de cinste, tot ce este drept, tot ce este curat, tot ce este vrednic de iubit, tot ce este vrednic de primit, orice fapta buna, si orice lauda, aceasta sa va insufleteasca.

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